Friday, January 27, 2012

Victory in Defeat

Well, not really defeat, but it's been a challenging week.

My hubby & I both caught a cold.
Monday was a hideous day...including a 911 call I had to make from my classroom. Everything turned out fine - but it was a unique experience, to say the least. I discovered I can chase a stretcher down a hallway wearing heels.

Tuesday was ridiculously busy. Regular classes + Community Band rehearsal + making arrangements for a guest performing group to perform, including coordinating tech personnel, feeding the artists, and going to the performance (which was incredible).

Wednesday the sick sank in - mostly because the previous 2 days I worked from 7:30 am to 10:30 pm.

Thursday I completely lost my voice.

Today, I feel better...but still recovering from sick + the trauma of the rest of the week.

But - I share this not to whine about my life - but to celebrate!


Because this would have been the perfect week to ditch my commitment to making food and let mi amigos make the dinners this week.

And I didn't let that happen. The leftover chili from Tuesday we ate on baked potatoes on Wednesday. Last night (when I felt my absolute crappiest) I served gnocchi with butter, herbs & cheese. And tonight, good ol' rotini with "Little Italy's" marinara sauce and salads.

We did it! It's beginning to become a habit to cook, and I'm proud.

And, you know, while I do enjoy the local Mexican establishments, I don't miss them all that much. I think I enjoy the queso even more now.

Oh - my brown mustard seeds came in the mail...along with the chipotle powder & grains of paradise I ordered with them.

What, oh what shall I make next? I'm excited to keep finding out.

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