Friday, January 6, 2012

Cast Iron Chef

When we woke up this morning, I realized I forgot to thaw some Italian Sausage with which to make a Crock-Pot meal this evening.

Plus, I really wasn't in the mood for an Italian Sausage meal anyways.

But, if not that, what?

I had leftover stew in the fridge - that was mostly broth, because I got the chunky goodness out of it last night.  Nah.

I had leftover pork chili from New Years' Eve - but then realized the pork in it was actually two weeks old...not in the mood for ptomaine this evening.

Then my hubby said, "You know, you could serve that teriyaki sauce from the other night on anything and it would be good...meat, rice, grass taken out of the front yard...matters not."

Yes!!!  Eureka!!!  There was a leftover pork chop in the fridge, and the teriyaki sauce, and we have garlic, onions, frozen peas, eggs, soy sauce - and what else would be better than...

Pork Fried Rice

The following procedure is how I took the above ingredients and turned it into what you see above.  It's not probably the way you're "supposed to do it", but it turned out quite yummy!

1.  Cook 1 1/2 cups of rice.  I used my steamer - but you could use the stovetop method as well.
2.  Cool down the rice - I did check a few recipes online, and they all stated "use cold rice".  Of course, the best way to do this would have been to do this the night before, and refrigerate the rice to chill it.  But - I wanted it tonight!  So, I put the cooked rice into a large metal bowl, and covered it in very cold water.  I let it sit for a few minutes, then used a fine mesh strainer to strain off the water.  This brought the rice to about room temperature, and that seemed to work, for this evening, at least.
3.  Take a wok - or the largest cast iron vessel you have (even a dutch oven would probably work), and heat it over high heat.  Once the wok gets hot, add about 1/4 cup of oil, and two cloves of minced garlic.  Remove the garlic just as it begins to brown - this is to season the oil.
4.  Add about half a large onion, minced.  Allow them to brown and soften.
5.  Add two eggs, scrambled.  Keep stirring - or they'll over-cook too quickly and stick to the pan!
6.  Add the rice and stir to combine.  You will need to keep stirring, and you may need to add some more oil to keep the rice from sticking to the pan.  But, if it does, just scrape it off - browning = yum, blackening = burnt.
7.  Add the pork chop, cut into small pieces, and a 1/4 cup of frozen peas.  Stir to heat through.
8.  Add about a half cup of teriyaki sauce, and soy sauce to taste.  Stir to combine.

Voila!  I added some hot sauce at the table, and that seemed to finish off the dish quite nicely.  My hubby said he thought green onions would be a nice addition, and I agree.

After a week of cooking (almost) all of our meals in our home, I realize a few things.  First - I can do it!!!  Second - I like doing it!!!  Third - my family seems to appreciate it, and that's nice. 

But, this week was easy.  I only taught one day - and no band rehearsals.  Next week is the true test...five full days of teaching, the first meeting of the evening community band on Tuesday, a Pep Band game on's where it gets real, my friends.  

"Bring it."  (You have to imagine "The Bride" as she enters into battle with The Crazy 88 to get the full effect of that statement.)

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