Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Where there's smoke, there's Yum!

I ask you to forgive the picture see, this is actually Bowl #2 that my daughter dished up.  

So, I guess she liked it.  As did my hubby and I!  I served the first helping with a big hunk of crusty Italian white bread - which complimented it very well.  I will say, however, from having a cassoulet made in the traditional manner - this really is nothing like a cassoulet.  But, if one considers it a yummy, smoky, chicken stew - then, there's no problem at all!

This was actually last night's dinner - didn't have time to post until now!  Tonight's dinner, for me, anyways, was some leftovers of this meal, which I scarfed while working in my office, waiting for tonight's Pep Band game.  After eating a large hunk of the chipotle pepper...I would recommend that you make sure the pepper is cut up very small, so that one does not eat a large hunk, and have one's stomach stage a revolt against one.

Tomorrow may be a challenge.  My hubby may or may not be home for dinner (he has obligations - but they may get snowed out).  My daughter has a Pep Band performance.  Our schedules don't mesh, oh how, will dinner happen?

I'm thinking soup and salad...let's see what happens.

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