Sunday, January 22, 2012

Comfort Food, Part Deux

My last "comfort food" related post was about grilled cheese sandwiches - you know, I think they actually can make me feel like I'm in my comfy chair, covered in my obnoxious pink flannel blanket, no matter where I am.

Tomorrow I'll be making another category of comfort food...Chili.

And not just any Chili - but Turkey Chili.

The way I see it, comfort food can bring comfort not only by the feelings of warmth, happiness, hearth and home it brings to mind and stomach - but in the knowledge that it is actually good for you.

Yes, I know, sometimes you just have to go "all out" for the full-fat version for true comfort-completeness. But, I think there are some "comfort food" dishes that make a bit of room for making better nutritional choices.  This is one of them.

1 package of ground turkey, 93% lean (if you don't use the 93% lean, you might as well use beef!)
1 green onion, chopped
1 yellow onion, chopped
1 can of tomato sauce
1 can of diced tomatoes (I use the fire-roasted kind, but any will do)
1 can of mild Bush's Chili Beans
1 can of hot Bush's Chili Beans (Now, I know, I could just use 2 cans of medium, but I like the layers of flavor this combination brings to the party.)
Any kind of wine or beer.
Garlic powder, ground mustard, sugar, kosher salt, pepper, cloves, lemon juice - to taste.

Cook the turkey in a skillet until all pink is gone.  Add some salt, pepper and garlic powder while browning.

When the turkey is finished, put it in a Crock-Pot.  Then saute the green peppers and onions with the salt, pepper and garlic powder until soft, and add them to the Crock-Pot as well.  Add the cans of beans, tomatoes and tomato sauce and stir.  Use the wine or beer to rinse out the cans, and then add the liquid to the Crock-Pot until the chili stirs smoothly.  Remember - it will get juicier as it cooks, so add the wine/beer wisely - or you may end up with Chili Soup...which I guess wouldn't be bad at all.

Cook for 6-8 hours on low in the Crock-Pot.  Before serving, taste it, and add any of the "to taste" items above until it tastes how you like it.  Every batch I make is different, so I go with my instinct - and of course, add spices sparingly.  You can always put more in...but you can't take it back out!

Serve in bowls with grated cheese, sour cream (fat free is served in our house), crackers, hot sauce - whatever meets your fancy!

I won't be posting pictures - because everyone knows what Chili looks like - and this looks no different.  And, my next two days will be 14 hour I'm betting I won't be blog posting.  But - the good news about this meal is that honestly, you can leave it on "low" all day and it will be just fine.  This means that tomorrow, when I eat at 5:30, my daughter eats after 6:00, and my husband eats after 7:00, it will be equally yummy - and homemade - all evening long.

So - this isn't just comfort food because it makes me cozy on a cold winter day.  It's comforting because I know I will make it, and my family will get to eat a home-cooked, healthy meal on an insanely busy day.  And, on 14 hour days, you take all the comfort you can get!

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