Sunday, February 5, 2012

Oh My Goodness!

The updates haven't been as often as I'd like lately.  As I predicted, life got much busier, so therefore, priorities dictate that I need to put the food blog low on my "to-do" list.

But - a brief free moment has popped into the schedule, so, I figured I'd take advantage of it while I could!

The food highlights of the week included my first attempt at making Beef Wellington.  It sounds fancy - and if you Google recipes, it seems complicated.  It really isn't.

1 1/2 lb beef tenderloin roast
1 Frozen Puff Pastry sheet (found with frozen pie shells at the grocery)
Kosher Salt
Fresh Ground Pepper
2 Truffles (probably going to need to hit the internet for those, unless you have an awesome bro-in-law who just gives them to you ;-)  )

1.  Thaw the sheet of puff pastry by letting it sit out for about 40 minutes on the counter top.
2.  Once completely thawed, place the puff pastry on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
3.  Rub kosher salt and fresh pepper on the roast.
4.  Chop up the truffles and sprinkle them on the puff pastry.
5.  Place the roast on the puff pastry.  Wrap the pastry around the roast.  Place the seam sides facing down on the cookie sheet.
6.  Put the roast in a 400 degree oven for an hour.
7.  Remove from the oven, and let rest for 15-20 minutes.
8.  Slice, serve with garlic mashed potatoes and green beans (like I did Monday night!).

The cabernet sauvignon that our friend brought over complimented this meal quite well!

The night before I made this, I had the house to myself.  My hubby was at a Pep Band game, as was my daughter.  So, I pretended I was in college again.

Beer & Mac

To my credit, it's at least the 2% Milk Velveeta Shells and Cheese - so it wasn't as bad for me as it could have been.

And - I made the Brown Stout Mustard!

While mixing this in the food processor, I had a flashback to my American history classes when they discussed the destructive nature of mustard gas.  Let's just say I learned to keep my head back when removing the food processor lid, rather than shoving my face directly into the path of the fumes rising from the brown mustard goodness.  The good news is that I now found a recipe to make the next time I have any sinus problems whatsoever.

It is pretty yummy - but very hot!  My brother in law's had more flavor, and less heat, so I may make his recipe next time.  But, it's still better than any purchased brown mustard I've had.

My next challenge - feeding my family Super Bowl worthy food that does not require ordering out for wings or pizza.  I have a plan...and I think it's a good one...involving beer, hot wing sauce, and some interesting techniques that I hope pay off!

I'll keep you posted.

Oh - I figured I'd pay tribute to the element of Super Bowl Sunday upon which I focus the most - the quest for excellence, the desire to be the best, and at its core, what America roots itself around.

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