Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A "Roast" to a Day Off.

I love a weekend that has a few planned events.  If the weekend has absolutely nothing planned...well, then often, I get absolutely nothing done - because I figure "Hey - I've got all weekend to get things done!" 

At which point, all that gets done is a whole lot of napping, and perhaps a James Bond movie marathon.

If the weekend is completely packed, and the weekend is spent just as busy - if not busier - than the work week, then I walk into the following week more exhausted than I left it - which isn't good for me, or my students (just ask them).

But this was the perfect 3-day weekend.  We socialized with a colleague and his wife Friday, our daughter's boyfriend's family on Saturday, went to church on Sunday, and had a few appointments (including taking a very angry cat to the vet) on Monday.  Having some sort of schedule helped me to structure time for several other projects on my plate...before the plate becomes so full it overloads and collapses (you know - like those cheap paper plates you see on the paper plate commercials...sometimes a fitting analogy for my schedule, indeed).

Speaking of full plates - our socializing on Friday and Saturday meant yummy food with friends!  Friday was a taco evening, Saturday, pizza - both wonderful! It's such a treat to be fed by friends - I'm very thankful! 

But Monday, it was my turn to cook.  I made a Heavenly Harvest Pork Roast, with roasted potatoes, apples and cippollini onions. The roast was a Crock-Pot roast - and was quite delicious!  However, I would probably reduce the amount of seasonings (salt, garlic salt and steak seasoning) to 2 teaspoons each.  The crust on the roast was rather salty, but was tempered a bit by the sweetness of the pears, oranges, and pomegranate juice syrup.

The side dish I mentioned above included 24 ounces of red potatoes, half a bag of cippolini onions, and a Granny Smith apple, all chopped up into little pieces, placed in a baking dish, mixed with a bit of olive oil, and then topped with kosher salt and lemon pepper and roasted at 400 degrees for an hour.  Roasting really brings out the sweetness in the onions and apples - it's my daughter's favorite side dish!

And - the good news is we have enough leftover roast for at least another meal!  Score!

Speaking of productivity, I better head off...I've been very productive this morning - partly due to the preparations I made over the weekend.  However the whirlwind of preparations for the first Community Band rehearsal needs to get underway.  Tonight I will be looking forward to my next culinary adventure...Crock-Pot Chicken & Dumplings...but not until after the rehearsal.  This gives me something to look forward to...

...as well the margaritas my hubby suggested we share as well.  ;-)

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