Sunday, September 23, 2012

Stew on this.

We're beginning to settle into a schedule in our household. However, just because we have a schedule to follow doesn't mean it's a simple one.

The long story short is that we only have one night during the work/school week that is available for a family meal. And this past week we ended up being booked then too.

So my challenge is to plan meals that can be eaten at different times, and quickly.

Enter Crockpot Stews & Soups, stage right:

Slow-Cooker Beef Stew

Yes, this is the stock photo, because while rushing around to serve and eat it, I forgot to take a picture. Now, my husband, being the good German he is, expressed concern that the recipe had no potatoes. Honestly, I'm trying to avoid potatoes - too much starch! So, I compromised and served it over rice, which seemed to work. I also left out the mushrooms (hubby is fungi-phobic), and the peas...mostly because they go in at the end, and I forgot them.

As beef stews go, it was OK. I'm not much of a beef stew fan actually, and it just seemed like it was missing something. So, if you make it, and figure out what completes the dish, let me know!

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