Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's All Fun and Games Until...

Last night, I was sitting comfortably on the couch, iPad in hand, relaxing after a productive, yet low-key day.

My hubby got up to get himself a glass of orange juice.  Then, he spoke the fateful words -

"Honey, I don't think anything in the refrigerator is cold."


Sure enough, "luke-cool" was the best way to describe it.  I cleaned off the back of the fridge - hoping that simply brushing off some dust from its nether-regions would inspire it to get back to work.  We also moved anything that truly needed to be moved into our garage fridge (it's not just for 6-packs of Upland Wheat anymore).

However, I went to sleep knowing that quite possibly, we'd need to plop down a grand on a fridge the next day.

This morning, we inspected the fridge - and indeed, while the temperature was "cool", it certainly wasn't cold.  The freezer - which was keeping things frozen last night - now would make a good refrigerator.

So, into the garbage went most of the contents, anything salvageable went into the outside fridge.

And this morning, I begin the quest to either fix it, or buy a new one.  Any suggestions you may have would be welcome - for either fixing it or purchasing a new one (I'm eyeing a bottom freezer model, actually).

On the bright side - I may get to go shopping!  Sure, it's with money we'd expected to save, or spend elsewhere, but who needs a vacation, really?

Perhaps a "stay-cation" would give me opportunity to try out new and exotic recipes...

...once I have a fridge to keep the left-overs in.

*blugh*  This song seems quite appropriate right now...I've been going through an 80's rock phase lately anyways.  Enjoy!

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