Friday, June 22, 2012

Playing Grown-Up

My grandmother, when aged well over 90, said something very interesting.

"You know, in my mind, I'm really 23 years old."

In a similar vein, I often have moments in which I question at what moment I became a "grown-up". I fondly remember Mr. Rogers speaking of "grown-ups", and vaguely being aware of my parents falling into that category. I watched TV, and began to understand that grown-ups lived in a different world. They had to go to "work". They didn't have fun the same way I did. I liked to swing on swings, and ride my bike. They...talked. And talked. And sometimes, ate food and drank fancy looking drinks while talking.

I didn't get it.

However, this evening I made an attempt to enter this world by serving food and some fancy drinks for my hubby and a couple good friends. And I say, as experiments go, I think this one was a success.

I decided to attempt a 4-course meal in the Italian tradition. The first course, or antipasto, is a light course, a sort of appetizer. The second course, or secondo, often includes pasta of some sort. The primero course includes a meat, often a grain of some sort, or maybe a salad. And finally, dessert.

The antipasto comprised of three cheeses, crackers, and a Gewerstheimer wine:

The cracker plate included Parmesan crackers in the middle, surrounded by aged cheddar beer crackers. The cheeses, from left to right, are Romano, smoked Gouda, and aged Vermont cheddar. The crackers were from The Fresh Market, as well as the smoked Gouda, but the other cheeses were found at our local Wal-mart. I've found that if you look, some decent cheeses can be found in just have to look.

The second course - that I became so preoccupied with serving that I forgot to take a picture - was farfalle pasta with sautéed bell peppers, red sauce and grated Italian cheeses. It was yummy - and very simple to make.

At this point in the evening, we found we were to host a couple new guests - our daughter with her boyfriend. This turned the evening into an actual dinner party - man, then I really felt like I was playing "grown-up"! It was nice to have them join us - both quite an enjoyable addition to the party!

The primero:

Grilled Chicken with Balsamic Glaze, with salad.

I actually carmelized some onions...and forgot to serve them until the end. I don't entertain often...have I mentioned that? The above dish was also very simple, but very good! The pretty little glaze is a bottled glaze that is a balsamic flavored syrup - complimenting the chicken quite nicely. It received quite positive reviews.

The dessert was made by my friend Hillary - and wowwie, what a wonderful close to our meal!

This is a layered angel-food cake, topped with a mascarpone cheese frosting, coconut, strawberries - and was served with dark chocolate shavings. Delicious! Hillary is an amazing cook - she has been kind enough to cook for us in the past, and she always serves delightful meals! This cake was a perfect balance of saint and sinner - both light and decadent at the same time. Win!

We served a sweet Italian white wine with the dessert - the name of which escapes me, and frankly, I had not heard of the variety before.

The meal was a smashing success - but, more enjoyable was the company, the conversation, and the opportunity to relax (for most of us ;-) ). In playing "grown-up", I began to understand the appeal. A good time was had by all.

I will say, however, that I still like to swing on swings and ride my bike. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

And in my mind, I'm really 7.

1 comment:

  1. Dinner parties are the best! Glad yours went so well!
