Monday, July 16, 2012

Totally Worth It

So, I hopped on the scale this morning, and it seems I've gained 6 pounds in a week.

I can blame a few things for this. But, probably the main cause is the wonderful gustatory indulgences I've allowed myself while we traveled to visit my family in Ohio. Iconic food from my youth, paired with new treats from the region - we ate and drank well, indeed.

I'll share these experiences in reverse order, starting with our visit with my sister and brother-in-law in Cincinnati, OH.

I told my brother-in-law that he was the perfect addition to our family, because he loves to cook, and we love to eat. He doesn't just "cook" - he "creates". He regularly elevates "calorie intake" to "fine art", investing much love, care, passion, skill and refinement in his craft. To wit, I present the following evidence:

Chicken Confit, served with pork belly slices, poached egg, pickled radish and cucumber over jasmine rice.

See, I told you so! The chicken was braised in fat for 5 hours, making it succulent and rich. The warmed yolk of the poached egg served as a sauce for the dish, flavoring the rice, connecting all of the elements. The pork belly provided a salty contrast in flavor to the chicken as well as a textural "crunch" to the "melt-in-your-mouth" chicken. And the pickles were a welcome crispness amongst the unctuous, creamy rice. Art, indeed. He served a Riesling with the meal, providing a slightly sweet, yet acidic effervescence that cut through the richness of the meal and contrasted perfectly.

His dessert was a sugar cookie that more was like a sugar cake. Crispy in the outside, cake-like on the inside; dense enough to please the senses, yet light enough to finish such a decadent meal feeling very full, yet very satisfied.

As in any artistic experience, I do believe the artist found fulfillment in the creation of his art as much as those who appreciated the creation found fulfillment in its enjoyment - and consumption. He spoils us rotten - and inspires me to be not only a better cook, but a better artist, because the elements of care and dedication he embraces should be at the core of any artist's soul.

Exhibit #2 - Breakfast:

Wallbanger Cake - for breakfast, a perfect combination of orange freshness, with a doughnut's sweetness, and a moist texture that was just dense enough to feel one was starting one's day with just the right balance of saintly goodness and sinful pleasure.

The recipe includes vodka and triple sec...he did send me the recipe, but without his permission to distribute it, I'll be keeping it to myself...

Or maybe I'm just selfish, trying to keep the Elder Wand for my own.

We then made our bi-annual pilgrimage to Jungle Jim's. For those of you who have not been - imagine if Walt Disney designed a grocery store. We spent an hour and a half gathering mystical ingredients often only found on the Internet, planning menus and dreaming of ways to create culinary art in my humble Olney home.

Before heading home, we visited Richard's Pizza, which served not only very yummy pizza and decadent garlic breadsticks - but fudge for dessert! It was a great end to a splendid visit with my sister and her hubby.

My emotions for our visits are often somewhat bittersweet - so happy to visit, so sad we can't spend more time together. I suppose this allows the focus to be sharper, the energy expended on enjoying the experience and living in the moment.

And, as always, I remember how thankful I am to be blessed with such wonderful friends that happen to be family.

Next installment: "wine tasting" vs. "tasting wine"...and feeling that I sometimes have something in common with a rat with high aspirations...

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